Friday's Top 10: Favorite things
Top Ten lists will now and forever be a way for busy or lazy me to still squeeze in my weekly blog post.... or still miss by one day.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of brown paper packages tied up with string, but here are a few of my truly favorite things... (off the top of my head)
10. Driving like a race car driver no matter where I go and always, always cursing at other cars; independent of whether they are driving slow or tailgating me- I am always in the right. Are you the center of the universe? No, I am. Go away.
9. Total strangers high-fiving at professional/college sporting events (or at bars, whilst watching aforementioned events).
8. Quoting a movie and then having others know exactly what you are talking about and spending the next 15 minutes trading movie quotes and/or impersonations of the film, character or actor.
7. The first time each spring I notice the weather is nice enough for girls to go running in their warm weather clothes : )
6. Three day weekends (specifically having Monday off), nothing amps-up a weekend like 2 Saturdays in a row.
5. Organized drinking events for people over 25. Yeah life sucks after college, the good news is, it just keeps getting worse. The best remedy (albeit a temporary one); get together with a bunch of like-minded, disappointed individuals that are all in desperate need to blow-off some grown-up steam and act like your still in college (three day weekends are a good opportunity to implore this self-medication without compromising your scheduled trips to Lowe's and Bed, Bath and Beyond).*
*- Please note: The more fun you have on the weekend, the worse Monday will be. Nope, there's no way to win. Good luck.
4. Finding out that a "poop transplant" can be used to successfully fight the dangerous infection Clostridium difficile.
3. Major network news reporters using the word 'poop' on live TV.
2. Aaron Rodgers Championship Belt Motion
1. Finding out that coming up with a clever top 10 list, probably took just as long -if not longer- than writing a normal blog posting.
Happy Monday.