Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I would like to direct your attention to a site called www.topleftpixel.com. This site has pictures taken by a gentleman from Canada, archived and updated daily as far as I know. Let me just say they are "scrumtralescent." Please do yourself a favor and check it out. It will give you a chance to pause and take a moment to enjoy the world we live in.

[daily dose of Imagery]
Courtesy of topleftpixel.com

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Death has recently released their latest LP "Plans" I highly recommend picking it up. This should tied everyone (b. kroll) over until I update after this weekend in San Fransico, Where I will be Surfing on the Pacific Ocean. Mozel-mozel.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Welcome to Tied for Third.

Anyone can win at something and it's even easier to lose. I know of numerous people who have gotten second, but do you remember the last time someone tied for third? Now that is an accomplishment, something to be really proud of.

Tying for third not only builds character, but it shows that while you were really good at whatever you did, you were just bad enough to get almost zero recognition for it and will most likely, be forgotten in no time.

That is the modus operandi of this site

Be careful in tying for third however; they don't waste time making two third place medals. One guy gets the medal and the other gets the flowers.

Go for the medal.